Doctoral consortium

The AIM 2025 Doctoral Colloquium offers PhD students the opportunity to discuss their research in an international forum under the guidance of a panel of experienced scholars in IS. The doctoral colloquium will take place on May 21, 2025, as part of the 30th AIM conference.

The AIM doctoral workshops are open to all PhD students regardless of their year of study. We invite candidates working in the field of IS to apply, as well as those enrolled in related management sub-disciplines (strategy, marketing, HR, logistics, finance, governance...) as long as their thesis includes an IS component.

This event will provide candidates with the opportunity to receive feedback and advice from their peers and more experienced colleagues. Selected candidates will be invited to give short presentations, which will be followed by a discussion in a friendly and constructive workshop setting. For those just starting their research, the doctoral consortium will be an opportunity to discuss the relevance of their research questions, research design, and theoretical framework. For more advanced candidates, it will be an opportunity to test their results and address potential questions in preparation for the finalization of their dissertation.

Candidates must submit:

A 10-page overview in PDF format (Times New Roman, 12, including bibliography) of their doctoral research, indicating their research questions, methodological approach, work/results to date, next steps, expected contributions, and limitations of these contributions. These elements should be adapted according to the progress of the thesis.

This document should be sent by email, no later than March 28, 2025, to the chairs of the Doctoral Consortium:

IMPORTANT: This document should not be uploaded to the AIM conference paper submission platform.

After evaluation of the submissions, selected candidates will be informed of their acceptance by April 7, 2025. They will then need to prepare a digital support (such as a PowerPoint presentation) to deliver a 15-minute oral presentation, followed by about 15 minutes of discussion.

The document can be downloaded in RTF, MS Word (or Latex) format. Proposals must include the name(s), affiliation(s), and contact details.

A short biography (2-3 paragraphs).

A paragraph indicating what you hope/expect from your participation in the doctoral consortium.

Important Dates:

  • March 28, 2025: Submission deadline
  • April 7, 2025: Acceptance notification
  • May 21, 2025: Presentation
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